Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hey gang. This week I wanted to talk to you again about being efficient. This time I want to talk to you though about quality when it comes to pictures and quality when it comes to audio. As a clothing company the quality of our pictures will obviously be very important. 

This week I've learned about how the quality of a picture can effect the amount of data used. Understanding the data space = more money that the company has to spend, we will be mindful when making decisions about the picture type that we use. As a clothing type company how our pocket squares look are very important; we will have to hire photographers who really know what they are doing.  Knowing the right picture types and sizes will help us to be even more efficient.

When it comes to audio you would think that it would be irrelevant to our company, but it isn't that simple. Here at Pocket Squared we have tossed around the idea of doing men's fashion podcasts. If we want more men to wear pocket squares we need more men to wear jackets/blazers/sportcoats. On our podcasts we can promote dressing nicer.  In order to be efficient in our podcasts we need to also pay attention to what types of audio recordings we are using. Using wavs instead of mp3s can cost us more space and remember space = money we have to spend. Making smart decisions in these areas can help us to be more cost effective.

That's all for now,


1 comment:

  1. Overall, I think that your blog effectively discusses the topics required and integrates them into your entrepreneurial idea in a beneficial way. The uses of the technology discussed, such as the different hardware and software, I believe is an important aspect to your business mainly based on all of the designers' perspectives. From a business point of view I personally don't think this entrepreneurial idea would be very profitable, especially in the central New York area, because there is no demand in pocket squares and I think it will be very difficult to create this demand. Although the preliminary idea for this product may not be successful, your ideas for the uses of technology and plans to create a demand are creative and very well thought out.
